A few international companies are controlling the global seed market. And they are controlling what's on our plate. Change is necessary.
A seed commons secures free access to seed which is the basis for diversity in plant breeding, crops and their varieties. We are committed to:
To achieve our goal, we protect seed as a commons. With OpenSourceSeeds we aim to create a non-proprietary commons based seed sector. We envision that this will become a second pillar of seed provision. OpenSourceSeeds was founded in 2017 by Agrecol Association.
Our mission: protecting seed as commons.
Only a few international companies hold control over the global seed market. The trend towards seed monopolies threatens food security. With the open-source licence, we can legally protect seeds as common property and prevent the further privatisation of the basis of our lives.
We need independent plant breeders to bring diversity to our fields. Unfortunately, there is no financing model for non-proprietary plant breeding. So far, there is little financial potential that can be exploited. We are helping independent breeders to bring new varieties to the market. In addition, we are investigating new ideas to build up a seed commons and are seeking new business and financing concepts for open-source seed.
A commons needs a community. We work closely with companies and initiatives in the seed sector. Breeders, agronomists, lawyers and commons activists support us in the Strategy Group and the Supporters Circle. We are involved in coordination of the Global Open-Source Seed Initiative (GOSSI). We engage in public relations addressing producers, traders and consumers. We want to empower everyone to have a say and to put this topic on the political agenda.
OpenSourceSeeds - AGRECOL
Johannes-Acker-Str. 6
35041 Marburg