Name of breeder:

Anne Mommertz

Name of seed producer:

Anne Mommertz
c/o Ernährungsrat Düsseldorf
Katzbachstr. 3
40231 Düsseldorf

Brief description of the variety and its main characteristics:

Very aromatic, robust panicle tomato for growing on the balcony or terrace.
The small red tomatoes hang on panicles with 5-8 fruits. The plants can be grown in pots from 2 l volume on a plant stick. Side shoots come quite late and are broken out. Resistance to rot is good! Some protection from wetness and storm on a house wall are nevertheless advantageous. Mother Ey was selected over many years in Düsseldorf for cultivation in pots on terrace or balcony. Average fruit size under these conditions 20 g, in the open ground or large container plant and fruit will be slightly larger. Compost soil, plenty of sun and a little diluted nettle manure from time to time are enough for Mother Ey to produce delicious wet tomatoes from July to October.

Characteristics and traits:
Anthocyanin coloration of the hypocotyl;
Indeterminate growth;
Main stems slightly anthocyanin colored in the lower part;
Plant height 1 m to 2 m varying according to pot size;

Horizontal from stem, upstanding at early stage, later pointing further down;
average 15 cm long, 9 cm wide, simple and double imparipinnate, acute leaves, light to medium green, coarsely and not very acutely toothed, leaflets horizontal to semi-upright on the main stem;
Not very shiny, leaf veins somewhat deepened in fine grooves;

Yellow, sepals hairy, flower stalk with predetermined breaking point.

Mature fruit fiery red, immature green fruit with a star-shaped, darker ring at the base of the fruit 2 cm-3.5 cm in diameter, spherical, only slightly depressed at the base of the fruit, not at all at the base of the flower, smooth, medium-strong skin, little bursting, firm fruit, medium red inside;
sowing in April, flowering in mid-June, first fruits in late July, continuous flowers and fruits until first frost;
quite good resistance to rot

The mother Ey was bred by selection, probably also by accidental crossing since 2013 from the English "Gardeners Delight" for suitability for keeping in pots and very good, not too sweet taste. In 2013 from seeds of "Gardeners Delight" from England selected over eight years for resistance to blight, best aroma and especially growing in pots on terrace and balcony. Every year about 8 plants were grown on terrace and balcony in Düsseldorf. In 2017, the color and shape of the leaves have varied greatly, so accidental crossing can not be ruled out. Since then, lighter leaf color and smaller fruit, but good and early bearing. The variety is clearly recognizable, but still has outliers, for example, now and then missing green crown in the immature state, apparently associated with less blight resistance!

The variety is not yet approved.